Structural Engineer
The structural engineers of the Brunel Solar Team spend a year designing, optimizing, and building the composite skeleton of Nuna. This includes both the outer shape designed by the Aero team and the strong frame on which all components will be mounted.
The structural engineers of the solar team are often practical, hands-on individuals who come up with quick, out-of-the-box solutions to problems. As a structural engineer, it’s important to be a good team player, be handy, and maintain a clear overview.
They need to collaborate closely with other disciplines to integrate everything into Nuna in the most compact, practical, and lightweight way possible. They work with software such as CATIA and/or Ansys, designing their own molds, and take on significant responsibilities related to materials and procurement. Later in the year, they will join around six other team members for production, where they will build Nuna layer by layer with their own hands over a period of about three months.
They learn a great deal about the production processes for composites and work daily with carbon fiber and fiberglass. As experts on the shop floor, they will manage the production team, ensuring that Nuna is both light and strong, while also being completed on time. They are responsible for sourcing all the necessary materials, planning, and determining how everything should be made. They will be the first to see Nuna truly come to life.